
WirelessTheatreCompany'sexcitingbinauralaudioplaysarebestlistenedtousingheadphonesforfulldramaticeffect.Learnmoreabouttheseplays.,Binaural,or3Dsound,isarecordingtechniquethatusesstereomicrophonesmountedonahumanhead(orhead-shapedobject)inordertocreateafully ...,2020年9月6日—Binauralsoundhascreatedoneofthemostimmersivetheatreexperiences.BinauralaudiocreatesathoroughlyimmersiveexperienceinBlindne...

Binaural Audio Plays

Wireless Theatre Company's exciting binaural audio plays are best listened to using headphones for full dramatic effect. Learn more about these plays.

Binaural Sound

Binaural, or 3D sound, is a recording technique that uses stereo microphones mounted on a human head (or head-shaped object) in order to create a fully ...

Binaural sound has created one of the most immersive ...

2020年9月6日 — Binaural sound has created one of the most immersive theatre experiences. Binaural audio creates a thoroughly immersive experience in Blindness.

Full article

由 G Guy 著作 · 2023 — Abstract. This dialogue explores the possibilities of binaural sound for contemporary theatre making and museum curation, situating sonic ...

How sound design is reinventing the way we experience ...

2021年3月17日 — The nature of binaural technology meant it was perfect for warping and heightening the audience's senses. The soundscape is a cocktail of music, ...

The Binaural Sound Design For Blindness

2021年6月11日 — The creative team includes scenic designer Lizzie Clachan, and lighting designer Jessica Hung Han Yun, and sound designers Ben and Max Ringham.